19th Century Round Pea Whistles Timeline History and more. By A. Strauss

Early 1870 master piece, round pea whistle ,By J.Hudson or Linegar whistle museum
Above J. Hudson 1870’s Round Pea whistle with a stop hole, Birmingham.

See READ MORE For few dozens photos


This article is just a glimpse and a part of Part one in a very long 7 part research into this type of whistles,  consider it a first draft , There are MANY more which can be accurately dated and way more which I could not yet accurately date
but as a draft it may inspire others and you may send and email to info@avnerstrauss.com to add ask contact.
I would try to first cover  mostly British 19th Century and some whistles of other countries without going into many details, since some countries deserve another article.
Part one is a draft and 19th Century General Time line and whistle designs.

Continue reading 19th Century Round Pea Whistles Timeline History and more. By A. Strauss