Staffordshire Constabulary Button Top Conical whistle type (TNC-Nick Named Beaufort)
(Under construction)
It is important to categorize and define accurate names for whistle types,
Mostly for more common ones, but when it comes to very rare ones it may be of less importance. (The type were previously referred to as Crest top).
The next few observations are about whistles that very few collectors own and lucky are the ones that have one, let alone few. Still they are gems to look at and study.
This newly found one which is very different from all others I had seen
turned my attention to these again*,
The whistle has few unusual features seen only with this one,
It has a great sound with about a whole step apart between the two notes,
Pitch is A & a slightly Flatt B) It measures 60.82 mm in length, the windows are larger then usual, so is the body, and the top bubble has a groove (AKA Crimp ring)
and it is a heavy cast one, As far as I can tell it was made by Dowler
(albeit that top may hint at a work by A. DeCourcy) .

(From The National Archives, Kew) Hiatt and Co., Ltd. 26 and 27 Masshouse Lane, Birmingham
In Photo Two Staffordshire Constabulary button whistle Escargot type by Hudson & Co. Acme Whistles Ltd. along with Button top Conical). It does connects two favorite themes Button whistles and Buttons incorporated whistles,
All the Button Top Conical whistles we know were made by Dowler, and Stamped with Hiat & Co. Reg. Design Number.
Two exceptions found the new one and a Hudson,
Hudson did rarely use Button top on Oval Two Notes Tube Whistles,
(Haigh is an example) and so far this is the only example I had seen of a BUTTON TOP OVER A TWO NOTES CONICAL WHISTLE by Hudson.

Examples of Known whistles all Hiatt & Co. made in c 1894 -1900

Brookwood Asylum Button top Conical whistle with Two Devon Constabulary to its sides. (Strauss Collection)

(Photo L. Bailey)

Westmorland & Westmorland Constabulary

Durham City Police, Two different button variations
Construction of Button Top over Conical whistles, Two Notes Conical whistles (TNCW) Parts. 5 Photos
Two-Notes-Conical-whistle-Type-Construction-Beaufort-3-Parts-without-Top-& optional Mouthpiece -A. Strauss
The wedge diaphragm is a Hudson’s one. To view Dowler’s truncated one see photo 4.
The internal Parts of a Two Notes Conical Whistle nick named Beaufort, The Partition & The Wedge Diaphragm Before they are assembled and inserted into the conical two circular windows body
A Look inside the body of a T.N.C Whistle from top after the Partition and Wedge Diaphragm are inserted, Note the wavy shape of Partition which makes one half of the sound chamber smaller in order to produce a different pitch Photo A. Strauss
A Look inside the body of a T.N.C Whistle from top after the Partition and Wedge Diaphragm are inserted, Note the wavy shape of Partition which makes one half of the sound chamber smaller in order to produce a different pitch

Construction view of a Button Top Conical whistle with button taken off.
Here it can be CLEARLY SEEN That the top part is an ORNAMENTAL DESIGN
In fact the Two note Conical whistle is inserted into a fancy ornamental part,
which at first glance can be thought of an Escargot with the Beak- Mouthpiece is replaced by a conical whistle.

A different type of whistle still in the same family is the J. Hudson & Co.
Button top OVAL Two Note Tube whistle, The Swansea Police one
1890s, is an outstanding example.
*(Years ago, I wrote a post or two about these (The Evans one which I will expand on again) Un-doubtly there are more than the ones presented in this assay, If you have another one please send photo and we can update our knowledge.
To be continued
All rights reserved, Avner Strauss